Using a Repository

Using SQLDSC in a Repository #

SQLDSC is designed to be used in a GIT repository by multiple users across multiple domains. Consider a sample directory tree. Many of these folders are created by sqldsc init.

│   .gitignore
│   key.txt
│   sqldsc.exe
│       extensions.json
│       settings.json
│   │   PROD.defaults.hcl
│   │   PROD.targets.hcl
│   │   defaults.hcl
│   │   OFFICE.defaults.hcl
│   │   OFFICE.targets.hcl
│   │
│   ├───nodes
│   │   ├───PROD
│   │   │       USKC-MON01P.hcl
│   │   │
│   │   └───OFFICE
│   │           USKC-DEVTXN01D.hcl
│   │           USKC-DEV03D.hcl
│   │
│   ├───tags
│   │       dev.hcl
│   │       prod.hcl
│   │
│   └───scripts
│           database-mail.sql
│           who_is_active_v11_32.sql
│   └───2020
│           sqldsc_2020_05_OFFICE_bgraziano.log
│           sqldsc_2020_06_OFFICE_bgraziano.log
│           sqldsc_2020_06_PROD_bgraziano.log
  • This model assumes:
    • Two domains (OFFICE and PROD) that can’t talk to each other
    • Both can see a central GIT repository
    • VSCode is the “GUI” for the application
  • The software directory is checked in and contains the VSCode and HCL extension installation files. This makes it easy to get started in a new domain that doesn’t have Internet access.
  • SQLDSC.exe is checked into the respository. This helps make sure everyone is running the same version.
  • Logs are per user which means no merging should be needed. Finding changes across users is accomplished using Find in File across the repository.
  • Per domain settings are isolated as much as possible.
  • The .vscode directory and extensions.json are created by sqldsc init and contain suggested extensions.
  • We use a file in the root of repository to communicate standards. We also have a and a few other notes to ourselves.