
Reporting #

The application contains a few simple reports

Usage #

sqldsc report usage provides a simple report of how many changes SQLDSC has made

First Change:    2020-06-24T08:30:57 -05:00
Total Instances: 9
Total Changes:   1,202
Last Change:     2022-10-08T09:00:49 -05:00

Domain: OFFICE               Changes: 1,192
Domain: PROD                 Changes: 10

Servers #

sqldsc report servers provides a simple list of servers a summary of changes.
The goal of this report is to help identify servers that could be retired.

|  DOMAIN   |   SERVER    | CHANGES |   FIRST    |    LAST    |
| WORKGROUP | D40\SQL2016 |       8 | 2022-10-02 | 2022-10-08 |
| WORKGROUP | D40\SQL2017 |       1 | 2022-10-03 | 2022-10-08 |
| WORKGROUP | D40\CASING  |       1 | 2022-10-08 | 2022-10-08 |

CSV Output #

The results can be piped to CSV with the following syntax:

sqldsc report servers --csv servers.csv

Parameters #

  • --sort field_name orders the result set by field name. It handles numbers, strings, and dates, and times. If it encounters any issues sorting it just returns unsorted results. This only sorts by a single field. (You may wonder why this isn’t --orderby. My hands can’t type orderby without a space. After much annoyance, it became --sort)
  • --desc will sort in descending order
  • --top n will only display the Top N results